
sanity is overrated

Monday, May 02, 2005

Flat broke

Im flat broke. It is so poopy. It wouldn't be so bad if payday was just a few days away, but payday isnt for two weeks.
You know that panic feeling that you get when you realize you have no money. That feeling when you want a drink of pop so bad but you know you cant have any. Man it sucks.
The end/beginning of the month sucks. Rent is due, student loan is due and future shop is due, that takes up more than my paycheck. So, I just have no money.
What doesn't kill me will only make me stronger I guess. But I tell you one thing, when I do get paid, I will drink like six full bottles of diet caffeine free pepsi in one friggin' sitting. And in the meantime, I am certainly going to learn to appreciate water. Gross, water is so gross. Like who really likes to drink it anyway. Its so blah. I crave the burn of pop, and water certainly doesn't have the burn. Like I drink a full glass, and I think to myself "did I just drink something, cause it sure doesn't feel like I did!"
Booo on water, hurray for payday! I can't wait to get paid. I guess I have to though.


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